满足GB 31604.47-2023标准的双波长紫外灯
上海路阳仪器有限公司生产有满足GB 31604.47-2023标准检测用的254nm和365nm紫外...
2024-08-02作者:美国luyor时间:2020-08-13 11:00浏览2045 次
一般来说,黏附在金属制品表面的油污,不外乎矿物油、动物油和植物油。由于动植物油和碱作用发生皂化,称为皂化油。而各种矿物油如石蜡、凡士林、多种润滑油等不与碱发生皂化反应,统称为非皂化油。在肉眼观察的情况之下,往往无法能够准确的对于金属表面油污的洁净程度进行判断。在以往的工艺流程中, 对于金属表面的干净程度往往是根据经验来判定的。
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氧气清洁经过验证的过程对安全至关重要3目视检查可以是直接的,包括白光,可有效检测低至500 mg / m ^ 2的污染。紫外线(黑光灯)视觉检查可识别出发出荧光的污染物,并能有效检测出低至40 mg / m ^ 2(每平米49mg)的污染物。
间接外观检查有两种方式:擦拭测试和溶剂过滤。擦拭测试可以识别没有直接视线的位置中的污染物。通常,擦布上同时使用白光和紫外光,并能有效检测低至30 mg / m ^ 2的污染物。溶剂过滤会冲洗溶剂中难以触及的区域,然后将其过滤以捕获污染物。然后对过滤器进行目视检查,可以检测出100ml / sq / ft的低残留溶剂,它还使用白色和紫外线。
日光下的沙滩 | 紫外光下的沙滩 |
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Mechanical cleaning is used to remove scale, coatings, paint, weld slag and other solid contaminants and can include grit or ice blasting, wire brushing and grinding.
Aqueous cleaning can be with hot water and steam cleaning or alkaline cleaning. Hot water and steam cleaning is effective against water-soluble contaminants, and is normally used with detergent. Alkaline cleaning uses caustic salt in water to create a highly alkaline solution. It is effective against hydrocarbon oils, grease and waxes, and generally is enhanced by agitation and/or jet spraying. Typically this is used for industrial parts washers. This process is greatly enhanced by ultrasonic agitation, but the solvent residue must be removed as well.
Semi-aqueous cleaning uses hydrocarbon solvent and water emulsion, which is effective for removing heavy contaminants from parts like heavy grease wax or hard to remove soils. Emulsion may require agitation to maintain the mixture, and parts must be rinsed before the emulsion can dry. Otherwise, contaminants may re-deposit on the part that was cleaned.
Acid cleaning varies substantially based on the acid used.
Hydrochloric acid is used to remove scale, rust and oxides. and to strip platings (chrome, zinc, cadmium, etc.) and other coatings
Chromic and nitric acid are used to for passivating, deoxidizing, brightening and removing alkaline residues in addition to cutting oils
Phosphoric removes oxides, light rust and fluxes
Acids must be removed completely from the part prior to drying and, depending on the acid strength, may need a neutralizing process.
Solvents can be used without water dilution or emulsion. Alcohol is a common solvent often used to revisit areas of concern identified by black (UV) light inspection. Solvents like alcohol evaporate completely, leaving no residue.
Vapor degreasing is a process in which a solvent is heated until it vaporizes, while the part is maintained at a lower temperature. The solvent then condenses and dissolves contaminants. The part must be oriented so that the condensed solvent can drain from the part by gravity. This method is very effective for inaccessible areas on parts but requires a contained environment for the part during the process.
Any combination of cleaning methods that achieve the desired cleanliness level is acceptable.