满足GB 31604.47-2023标准的双波长紫外灯
上海路阳仪器有限公司生产有满足GB 31604.47-2023标准检测用的254nm和365nm紫外...
2024-08-02作者:时间:2019-10-14 21:30浏览9128 次
如果要观察tdTomato荧光蛋白(tdTomato Fluorescent Protein)的表达,美国路阳生产的便携式荧光蛋白激发光源可以选择LUYOR-3260GR和LUYOR-3415RG系列双波长荧光蛋白激发光源。tdTomato红色荧光蛋白采用美国路阳绿光激发,佩戴LUV-50A红色观察眼镜观察,如希望提供更多详细信息,可直接联系上海路阳生物技术有限公司的销售客服。
如果要观察tdTomato荧光蛋白(tdTomato Fluorescent Protein)的表达,美国路阳生产的便携式荧光蛋白激发光源可以选择LUYOR-3260GR和LUYOR-3415RG系列双波长荧光蛋白激发光源。tdTomato红色荧光蛋白采用美国路阳绿光激发,佩戴LUV-50A红色观察眼镜观察,如希望提供更多详细信息,可直接联系上海路阳生物技术有限公司的销售客服。
tdTomato is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) orange fluorescent protein published in 2004, derived from Discosoma sp.. It is reported to be a somewhat slowly-maturing tandem dimer with low acid sensitivity.
TdTomato is expressed in the skin upon crossing of the reporter mice with a K5-Cre-ERT2 line. A Schematic representation of the breeding to K5-Cre-ERT2 and of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) applications on the shaved back skin (1 mg in ethanol for five consecutive days). B Prior (day 0) and after 4-OHT application (day 7), mice where imaged with the IVIS spectrum (excitation: 570 nm; emission: 620nm; exposure time: 10 sec; binning: HR4. Color scale min = 2600 counts, max = 13000 counts). TdTomato was expressed in the skin of double positive, treated animals. Dashed line indicates the 4-OHT treated shaved back skin.
上图为LUV-590A 红色荧光蛋白拍照滤镜