满足GB 31604.47-2023标准的双波长紫外灯
上海路阳仪器有限公司生产有满足GB 31604.47-2023标准检测用的254nm和365nm紫外...
2024-08-02作者:无损检测事业部时间:2020-01-17 16:59浏览6152 次
2020年世界无损检测大会(WCNDT 2020)将于2022年5月在韩国首尔举办。由国际无损检测委员会(ICNDT)和韩国无损检测学会(TSNT)联合举办的一次世界级的无损检测盛会。此次会议将是交流和融合来自世界各地对这一领域感兴趣的专业同事的场所。
由于 COVID-19爆发对全球的影响, 2020年第20 届 WCNDT大会推迟。
该会议将于2022年5月30日~6月3日 韩国仁川松岛国际会议。
第20届WCNDT 2020组委会已决定将会议推迟到2022年5月30日至6月3日在韩国仁川松岛会展中心举行的新日期 。 在ICNDT执行委员会的密切咨询下,我们做出了一个非常困难但必要的决定,以确保在全球COVID-19严重爆发中确保所有潜在参与者的安全与健康。从交通便利性,展览设施和住宿的便利性以及举办世界级盛事的能力等方面考虑,新场地被选为第20届WCNDT的场地。
第20届WCNDT 2020组委会
The 20th WCNDT 2020 postponed due to global impact of the COVID-19 outbreak
The conference will be held in the Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea
May 30 ~ June 3, 2022
The Organizing Committee of the 20th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (20th WCNDT) has now decided to reschedule the conference as follows. We are not considering a virtual format as an option for the 20th WCNDT and the health and safety of everyone participating in the conference shall be the top priority.
The new conference dates:
May 30 ~ June 3, 2022
Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea
(The venue remains the same.)
We deeply regret any inconvenience caused by the change of dates for the third time. However, the Organizing Committee of the 20th WCNDT strongly believes that a postponement to June 2022 would ensure a most fruitful and successful conference program while allowing as many delegates as possible to attend from around the world. In fact, the new dates are very close to the original dates of the 13th ECNDT, which has already been postponed to July 3-7, 2023. Although the situation with COVID-19 pandemic is still fluid due to the problems such as the resurgence of the virus variants, we also hope the conditions for international travels could be improved by increasing vaccination worldwide. We truly appreciate your patience and support over the years as the conference has been postponed and many details kept changing due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Most importantly, all paid registrations, already accepted abstracts, contracts for exhibition and sponsorship will remain valid for the new dates. The "Important Dates" have been updated in accordance with the new conference dates so that the additional submission of abstracts becomes possible.
In the meantime, if you would like to find out a few important facts about the 20th WCNDT quickly, please check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) attached below. The official website of the 20th WCNDT will be re-opened shortly, as early as in August 2021, which will include the abstract submission page.
We are so much grateful to our speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, and all other participants for their generous understanding and patience about this unprecedented situation. Hopefully, this postponement shall be the last one but the challenges with safety and the availability of travel worldwide will be all subjected to the developing situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
We would like to cordially ask for your continued interest and participation in the 20th WCNDT and look forward to seeing you all in June 2022.
主办单位:The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing(TSNT)
International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing (ICNDT)
2020年世界无损检测大会(WCNDT 2020)将于2020年在韩国首尔举办。由国际无损检测委员会(ICNDT)和韩国无损检测学会(TSNT)联合举办的一次世界级的无损检测盛会。此次会议将是交流和融合来自世界各地对这一领域感兴趣的专业同事的场所。上届世界无损检测大会于2016年6月13-17日在德国慕尼黑国际会议中心(Internationales Congress Center)隆重召开,参会人员超过2200人。2020年展会目前已有130家企业确认参展。